Experience, qualíty and technology on the gum elastic industry

For 50 year Leonardo A. Cersósimo e Hijos S.R.L. have dedícated to fabricase gum elastic, weather strips, sponge gun profiles, mícro cellular or thick gum profiles, hoses, sticker moulding, O'Rings blowers, diaphragms, cavle grips, swivel guns, plates on all gum elastic classes: Natural, SBR, EPDM,
NEOPRENE, Acrilo Nitrilo, Silicone and special developments to according norms IRAM, DIN, SAE, ASTM, 180 9000.

The own matrlx works assures you speed in delivery of your request and the
modification that it requires develop any kind of projet on model or plan.

Matanza 2820122/ 26 Cap. Fed, Rep. Argentina
TEL/FAX (0054 11) 4918-959714919-6943
